Republik Moldau

Seit 2024 vergibt die DBU Fellowships für eine Weiterqualifikation im Umwelt- und Naturschutzbereich in Deutschland an junge Master-Graduierte sowie PhD-Studentinnen und -Studenten aus der Republik Moldau.

Important dates

Application deadline: 05.09.2024

Selection interviews: October 2024

Start of the fellowship: 05.02.2025
Start of the intensive German course: 07.02.2025
Start of further training: 26.02.2025

The DBU MOE Fellowship Program is open to all disciplines (natural sciences/engineering/social sciences and humanities).

There are still no local DBU coordinators in the Republic of Moldova. If you have any questions, please contact the DBU:

Information material

Online application system for the MOE Fellowship Program

After successful registration, you will receive access data (user name and password) from us via e-mail so that you can enter your application online. We would like to point out that the online application procedure is available in both German and English.