Global Solutions Summit 2022 – The Global Imperative for a Circular Economy

March 29th, 2022, 11:30-12:15 CEST

Climate change and eight additional planetary boundaries are currently threatened by unsustainable consumption, fueled by ever increasing material extraction, and generating vast amounts of waste and pollution. A circular economy seeks to reverse this trend by reshaping linear consumption through maximizing resource efficiency and designing out waste, thereby recoupling human well-being and economic growth with sustainable consumption within planetary limits. In this way, preservation and regeneration of material value and natural capital become the basis for prosperity.

While progress toward a circular economy has gained pace over the last decade, adherence to its key principles is uneven. To drive a faster and less fragmented transition, it will be crucial to bridge key divides within a global governance structure that ensures cooperation and accountability, tracks progress, and steers future efforts.

This session will bring together thought leaders from business, civil society, research, and government to share insights on advancing circular economy across three critical divides:

  1. key sectors (industrial, environmental, financial and social)
  2. advanced and emerging economies
  3. climate and circular economy agendas.

The session will also highlight the importance of data as a key driver, and seek insights on addressing data gaps, which severely limit analytical capabilities across all aspects of circular economy.

 Opening Keynote

 Panel Discussion



(free digital access to the entire program)