1st International Conference on SUSTAINABLE PHARMACY – Strategies and Perspectives for Development, Use and Emission Management of Pharmaceuticals –

Pharmaceuticals are indispensable for a high quality of life. However, in recent years the widespread occurrence of a variety of active drug ingredients in the aquatic environment and sporadically even in drinking water has been demonstrated. Being only insufficiently eliminated in conventional sewage treatment, there is growing evidence that the substances and their metabolites have adverse impacts on aquatic organisms. Given the demonstrated environmental relevance of pharmaceuticals the question arises: What are sustainable strategies to adequately address it?
The conference will for the first time convene the international state of research and discussion in Sustainable Pharmacy. Topics renowned experts will address within keynote lectures, thematic sessions and panel discussions include the environmental impact, production, development, use, disposal and emission management of pharmaceuticals.

The conference equally addresses to scientists from all relevant disciplines and practitioners from the fields of pharmaceutical industry, health care, water management and public authorities.

Conference venue:
[+] Zentrum für Umweltkommunikation in Osnabrück

Programme and Registration as PDF fileRegistration as Worddocument