Promotionsstipendium: Dr. Eva Marie Mühe

Einfluss von mineralbildenden und mineralauflösenden Bodenmikroorganismen auf die Aufnahme und Akkumulation von Cadmium in Arabidopsis halleri

Einfluss von mineralumwandelnden Bakterien auf Cadmium-Aufnahme in Arabidopsis halleri

The strongly developing global industrialization that went on for the past 150 years did not go unnoticed passed our soils and waters. Besides the constant input of gas emission into our atmosphere and the ever ongoing destruction of natural woodland, European and especially German soils are burdened increasingly by industrial waste metals and metalloids such as cadmium. Therefore the high need for research on the development and application of new techniques to remediate contaminated soil needs to be met. By now many different approaches on the rehabilitation of soil have been developed. For example in phytoremediation soil is cleaned by means of plants whereas enhanced natural attenuation uses soil microorganisms to remove contaminants. A combination of these two techniques could be a very promising way of remediating soil. On the basis of this scholarship we want to develop a very interdisciplinary method to remove cadmium from contaminated soil cost-effectively and work-efficiently by combining microbiological, plant physiological and geochemical research.

AZ: 20009/052


01.11.2009 - 31.10.2012


Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen
Institut für Geowissenschaften


Prof. Dr. Andreas Kappler