
Lukas Törner

Wie unterstützt Standardsoftware Transaktionen in Unternehmen so, dass Nachhaltigkeitsmanagement messbar und steuerbar wird?

Corporate reporting has changed in the last decade moving towards including non-financial-data such as reporting GHG emissions, protection against child labour and other topics material to the business model of a company. This is often referred to as GRI reporting according to the most popular standard (Global Reporting Initiative). In recent European legislation, this reporting has become mandatory for the major firms on the capital markets. My thesis deals with software products used to manage and report these kinds of issues. As you can imagine, a independent software market is developing as life cycle assessments become more standardised, GRI and integrated reports become popular and compliance with non-financial issues becomes mandatory for the total supply chain.

My personal motivation to address this area of sustainability- / Corporate Social Responsibility-/ environmental management is about efficiency. To comply with sustainability standards and regulations must be easy from an administrative point of view. Digital transformation implies change for all corporate functions, so it does for the business function "sustainability management". The topic of sustainability software has enormous leverage.

My supervisors are Prof. Dr. Wieland, Zeppelin University and Prof. Dr. Lorenz Hilty, University of Zurich.



01.12.2019 - 31.08.2022


Zeppelin Universität Friedrichshafen gGmbH Lehrstuhl für Institutionenökonomik


Prof. Dr. Josef Wieland

