For a „new balance between the wishes of the individual and what the earth can take“
Federal President took a firm stand for climate protection at the "Week of the Environment“
Berlin. The head in Berlin, the mind in Heiligendamm: The topic climate protection in mind, which tops the agenda of the G8 Summit, Federal President Horst Köhler revealed in Germany's capital today that “both the G8 member states as also the aspiring nations know that wait and see doesn't pay. If the whole world wants to live like our affluent society there is badly need for more than one world. Thus everybody has to check his attitudes and behaviour and must work towards a new balance between the wishes of the individual and what the earth can take." When he opened the "Week of the Environment“ as a common initiative of the Federal President and the Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt DBU in the park of Schloss Bellevue, Germany's head of state didn't leave any doubt that environmental protection paid off: “German environmental technology is a world-wide bestseller and provides plenty new jobs in Germany – already more than 1.5 million.”
The climate change affected exactly those countries very adversely which had contributed the least to it
Horst Köhler emphasized at the third event of this type with 187 exhibitors and approximately 10,000 expected visitors that the escalating output of carbon dioxide impacted the climate and threatened the basic life resources of many people if it still went forward in an uncontrolled way. The climate change affected exactly those countries very adversely which had contributed the least to it and were least of all in the situation to overcome its damaging consequences. We had “to take unflinching countermeasures” because climate protection objectives would probably become all the more expensive "the longer we wait“. The industrial countries as primarily responsible for the climate change had to shoulder the heaviest load in terms of reduction. Climate protection was a matter of international welfare, that had to be solved "honestly and on equal terms” – and “best under the umbrella of the United Nations“, he commented on the latest initiative of the American government.
A "new industrial revolution" was mandatory
Ambitious climate protection goals were vitally, however, they had to put into practice. In Germany a good deal more great efforts were needed as yet had been taken in order to implement the Kyoto Protocol. A "new industrial revolution" was mandatory. However, he was confident that it would occur and entail a massive increase in resource productivity and energy efficiency as well as a carbon-dioxide reduced way of life. After disillusioning experiences the emission trading must be altered in a way that impulses for a modernisation of the power supply and the industrial production actually could occur. The clear shortage of the emission rights appeared "just as sensibly as the thought to auction the certificates henceforth”.
Sustainibility has "nothing in common with asceticism and relinquishment"
Hubert Weinzierl, Chairman of the DBU-Board, proudly appreciated that the President had characterised climate protection as a mega topic and “set a historic signal” for an affectionate care of the creation with his speech today. He emphasized that an alteration of the lifestyle had to be increasingly centred. Sustainability has "nothing in common with asceticism and relinquishment“ but with "feeling like future“. Thus our "common home earth could be conserved liveable and sustainable.”
The renewable energies featured an "unbelievable success story"
Also the Federal Minister for the Environment, Sigmar Gabriel, thanked Horst Köhler for his words. He mentioned that 20 percent of the world-wide environmental technology was from Germany, and that the renewable energies featured an "unbelievable success story“, reflected in 200,000 new jobs. The minister presented a copy of the first German Environmental Technology Atlas" GreenTech made in Germany". It informed about environment-technological key markets and their potential as well as about companies and research facilities. An efficient environmental industry was a crucial condition in order to solve current problems as climate change or scarcities of water and raw materials, the minister emphasized. Above all, new technology was required and to be used world-wide.