MOE-Fellowship: Rei Hysi

Strategien zur Minimierung des Energiebedarfs und zur Verbesserung des thermischen Komforts in bestehenden Wohngebäuden in Albanien

Strategies for minimizing energy requirements and improving thermal comfort in existing housing structures in Albania

The aim of this research paper is to investigate and propose strategies for minimizing energy requirements and improving thermal comfort in existing housing structures in Albania. With the increasing costs in energy demand and energy crisis becoming an ever increasing problem in the world we have seen an demand for energy-efficient buildings and the need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. However the statistics show that old buildings are the ones with the lowest energy efficiency.For this reason it is crucial to focus on retrofitting existing housing stock to enhance energy performance and occupants‘ comfort. This paper will explore various strategies and technologies that can be implemented in Albanian housing structures to achieve these goals.

AZ: 30023/007


08.02.2023 - 07.02.2024




CITYFÖRSTER architecture + urbanism


Oliver Seidel