MOE-Fellowship: Magdalena Sitarek

Revitalisierung und Renaturierung als Prozesse in der Stadtplanung in Leipzig

Revitalisierung und Renaturierung als Prozesse in der Stadtplanung in Leipzig

Brownfields (Brachflächen) are formerly developed sites that are underused, vacant, derict and sometimes contaminated. These areas are often located in the city cores and especially in CEE cities they are often much larger and over-equipped than their counterparts in the countries without communist past. Central European brownfields must be placed also in the context of overall population decline and of a greenfield development for commerce, industry and housing.

During my scholaraship that takes place in Helmholtz Zentrum für Umweltforschung in Leipzig I want to investigate some interesting examples of revitalized post-industrial sites in cities of Germany, especially its eastern, post-communist part. Well prepared and developed revitalization processes may result in the formation of a new, attractive urban spaces satisfying the contemporary needs of dynamically developing cities. An appropriate approach to the public space design in revitalised areas is a great way to reconnect and merge city tissue, improve environmental conditions and also influence on the quality and lifestyle of their inhibitants.


AZ: 30012/393


01.03.2012 - 28.02.2013




Helmholtz-Zentrum für Umweltforschung GmbH - UFZ Department Stadt- und Umweltsoziologie


Dr. Sigrun Kabisch