MOE-Fellowship: Mihaela Palela

The analysis of some efficient methods for bioremediation of the xenobiotic compounds: heavy metals biosorption

The analysis of some efficient methods for bioremediation of the xenobiotic compoundsFor the environment protection and for the health and security of biocenosis, in the context of Romania’s integration in UE, it is imperative the alignment of our country to the demands of the environment protection policy, meaning also the demands those regarding the treatment – through different methods – of the wastewater derived from industry and other fields. The direct discharge of the wastewaters in the natural receivers modifies the natural efflux regime, decreasing the water quality through the turbidity increase, a different chemical composition, inadequate organoleptic properties and the dissolved oxygen decreasing leading to hazardous waste sites. Thus, their use as drinking water supply, irrigations and recreation plays become impossible.Over 40 years, worldwide, a grate variety of treatment technologies were studied, developed and applied to remove the wastewaters pollutants such as suspensions, biodegradable organic compounds, pathogens, nutrients, organic or inorganic compounds with cancerous, mutagene and teratogene effect or acute toxicity, refractory substances, heavy metals, dissolved inorganic compounds.Therefore, in Romania, the concern for the wastewaters advanced treatment is increasingly, especially in the last 10 years. The Romania’s integration in UE impose us to take urgent efficient measures in the environment protection field, among them being counted those related of the economical agents, rural and urban wastewaters treatment through different methods.The project theme is The analysis of some efficient methods for bioremediation of the xenobiotic compounds: heavy metals biosorptionThe most important objective of this project is the study of the heavy metal uptake by the different wastewater isolated microorganisms. Some microorganisms have been recently reported to sequester metallic species from their growth environment by different metabolic dependent or independent processes generically named biosorption. Knowledge of metal uptake by bacteria and other microorganisms is still in its infancy. This research activity can create novel knowledge in the heavy metal biosorption field. New biosorbent biomass can be formulated. The biosorptive metal uptake can be quantitatively evaluated from experimental biosorption equilibrium isotherms similar to those used for the performance evaluation of activated carbons.The project is perfomed in close collaboration with Prof Dr. Peter Neubauer and Dr.G. Bunke, Technical University of Berlin.

AZ: 30009/200


01.06.2009 - 31.05.2010




Technische Universität Berlin
Institut für Biotechnologie
FG Bioverfahrenstechnik


Prof. Dr. Peter Neubauer