MOE-Fellowship: Vita Valiunaite

Transforming energy systems in the changing world and their local social economic impacts

Transforming energy systems in the changing world and their local social economic impactsThe aim of my project is therefore to gain experience in one of the most leading countries in renewable energy initiatives, to collect data and to compare different policies, transferring them to the situation in Lithuania and later bringing back good experience to Lithuanian universities and state institutions. During the internship I want to deepen my knowledge in renewable energy and to get to know how they influence German economic and social life, down to the regional scales.Alongside, I want to prepare an integrated set of lectures, covering the wide field of the relationship between energy sources, renewable energies, dependence on gas and oil import, international security, climate change, energy sector monopolisation or diversification, social tension and regional planning using GIS (Geographic Information Systems). These lectures I want to give at Vilnius University, Faculty of Natural sciences from 2010 on, as I think it is very important to give geographers and natural science students an understanding about interactions in this field and to give awareness of renewable energy to future specialists and planners in Lithuania.

AZ: 30009/149


01.02.2009 - 31.01.2010




Freie Universität Berlin
FB Politik- und Sozialwissenschaften
Forschungsstelle für Umweltpolitik


Dr. Lutz Mez