MOE-Fellowship: Jan Mizgajski

Die Antwort der deutschen und polnischen Energieunternehmen zum Thema Klimawandel – Vergleich

Die Antwort der deutschen und polnischen Energieunternehmen zum Thema Klimawandel – VergleichThe DBU scholarship was a very new and exciting experience for me. Before it I was traveling a lot all around the world, but I never spent 6 months in a foreign country living and working. During this time I had the opportunity to get know better German culture and language. However, the main advantage of my stay are new friendships and contacts, which I gained at that time. From the academic point of view the scholarship gave me a lot of new inspiration for my current work at the university. I was doing my internship at Fraunhofer Center for Central and Eastern Europe in Leizpig. The Center belongs to the famous web of institutes called Fraunhoffer Gesellschaft. Thanks to it, I could observe the newest scientific patterns and trends in Germany.

AZ: 30008/101


01.03.2009 - 31.08.2009




Fraunhofer-Zentrum für Mittel- und Osteuropa MOEZ


Matthew Johnson