MOE-Fellowship: Aleksandra Arcipowska

Zukunft der Energie in Polen 2050

Zukunft der Energie in Polen 2050Internship by Wuppertal Institute (WI) is a part of PhD research in a topic of: „Energy Future for Poland 2050. Development of a practicable participatory multicriteria analysis methodology as a supporting tool for decision makers (incl. case study for Poland)“. The main aim of the thesis is to develop the participatory multicriteria analysis methodology aimed to support the decision on the energy scenario selection for Poland till 2050. In the PhD thesis advanced methodologies for future energy planning, as well as decision support techniques will be presented. With an example of the Polish energy system, the current energy policy will be assed and different possible energy solution will be introduced. According to the work plan, research should be completed in period of 2-2,5 years. The scholarship at Wuppertal Institute opened the work on PhD thesis. The mail goal of practise training was to revise existing methodologies and methods of building energy scenarios and multicriteria analysis.

AZ: 30008/091


01.03.2009 - 30.06.2010




Wuppertal Institut für Klima, Umwelt, Energie GmbH für Klima, Umwelt, Energie GmbH


Johannes Venjakob