International project promotion

Exemplary international projects

Please note that for now, some of the project descriptions are taken from the old DBU website; therefore, links in the project descriptions to other webpages may be incorrect.

Funding subject 1: Tools and competencies for sustainability analysis, increasing sustainability awareness and promoting action

Funding subject 2: Sustainable nutrition and a sustainable handling of food

Funding subject 3: Development, design and acceptance of environmentally-friendly consumer goods

Funding subject 4: Environmentally friendly, resource-efficient construction

Funding subject 5: Energy-saving, resource-efficient district development and renewal

Funding subject 6: Renewable energy, energy conservation and energy efficiency

Further projects in the field of community energy can be found here.

Funding subject 7: Resource efficiency through innovative production processes, materials and surface technologies

Funding subject 8: Closed material flows and efficient use of environmentally critical metals and mineral residues

Funding subject 9: Reduction of reactive nitrogen compound emissions in environmental compartments

Funding subject 10: Integrated concepts and measures for the protection and management of groundwater and surface waters

Funding subject 11: Nature conservation and sustainable use of nature in cultural landscapes and protected areas

Further projects on the topic of preserving biodiversity hotspots in Central and Eastern Europe through sustainable regional development can be found here.

Funding subject 12: Preservation and protection of nationally valuable cultural assets from harmful environmental effects