Funding theme 6: Renewable energy, energy saving and efficiency
The energy turnaround is a major project for society as a whole, scheduled to run until 2050, with the aim of making the transition from the use of fossil and nuclear energy sources to a sustainable, climate-neutral energy supply and use. Achieving the climate protection targets pledged by Germany will only be possible with a mix of measures. These include:
- the expansion of renewable energies incl. the distribution and storage required for this,
- the increase of energy efficiency and the realization of energy saving measures,
- Optimization of the overall energy system in the sense of increasing integration of fluctuating renewable energy, demand flexibilization and coupling of the consumption sectors electricity, heat and mobility,
- the consideration of environmental and social compatibility as well as aspects of participation and acceptance.
This requires novel, exemplary ideas and interdisciplinary approaches from applied research, practical technology development and testing, and target-group-defined environmental communication and education, taking into account digitization, which encompasses all areas.
To this end, the DBU supports projects with a special focus on small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).
Eligible applicants include, but are not limited to:
- the development, optimization and exemplary (in the sense of exemplary and transferable) application of renewable energies. In the case of projects for the use of biomass for energy, the funding focuses on the optimization of existing plants and the use of waste and residual materials;
- the development, optimization and model application of innovative technologies for efficient energy conversion and energy storage (for example, for heat and cold generation or power-to-X);
- the development, optimization and model adaptation of operational processes due to changed energy sources (e.g. sector coupling) and a fluctuating energy supply (e.g. through demand side management). This also includes new operator and business models for the inter-company coupling of energy flows (e.g. waste heat);
- the development, optimization and model application of innovative solutions for reducing the energy consumption of manufacturing and processing operations in industry, commerce, trade and services. This also includes supply and cross-cutting technologies (e.g. steam, pressure, etc.) as well as operational logistics and transport processes, taking into account possible rebound effects;
- the development, optimization and model application of cross-cutting and system-serving aspects of data transmission (e.g. for decentralized energy supply, smart grid);
- the energy-saving and low-emission further development of drives in mobile applications;
- the development, optimization and testing of new approaches to information transfer, knowledge transfer, qualification as well as training and further education with special consideration of children, young people, trainees and students. This also includes new approaches, methods and formats in the areas of participation, acceptance promotion and conflict resolution;
- the development of new concepts and technical solutions for the safe use of renewable energies in a way that is compatible with the environment, health and nature conservation.
As a rule, the following are not eligible:
- Pure planning and investment cost subsidies for photovoltaic (PV) systems, heat pumps, charging stations, etc.
As a rule, reasons for exclusion apply to such projects and/or funding would not correspond to the statutory purpose of the DBU (see funding guidelines).
Project examples from this funding topic:
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In addition to project funding, the DBU also awards doctoral scholarships to promote young scientists and fellowships for university graduates from Central and Eastern Europe (CEE).
DBU: Umwelttechnik: Abteilungsleitung
+49 541 9633-200
DBU: Umwelttechnik: Energie
+49 541 9633-242
DBU: Umwelttechnik: Zukunftsfähiges Bauwesen
+49 541 9633-250
DBU: Umwelttechnik: Wasser, Boden, Infrastruktur
+49 541 9633-230
DBU: Umwelttechnik: Umwelt- und gesundheitsfreundliche Verfahren und Produkte
+49 541 9633-210
DBU: Umwelttechnik: Energie
+49 541 9633-240
DBU: Umweltkommunikation und Kulturgüterschutz, Internationale Förderung: MINT-Bildung und Nachhaltigkeitsbewertung
+49 541 9633-410
DBU: Umwelttechnik: Green Start-up
+49 541 9633-220
DBU: Umweltforschung: Naturschutz und Gewässerschutz
+49 541 9633-333