Funding theme 6: Renewable energy, energy saving and efficiency

The energy turnaround is a major project for society as a whole, scheduled to run until 2050, with the aim of making the transition from the use of fossil and nuclear energy sources to a sustainable, climate-neutral energy supply and use. Achieving the climate protection targets pledged by Germany will only be possible with a mix of measures. These include:

This requires novel, exemplary ideas and interdisciplinary approaches from applied research, practical technology development and testing, and target-group-defined environmental communication and education, taking into account digitization, which encompasses all areas.

To this end, the DBU supports projects with a special focus on small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).

Eligible applicants include, but are not limited to:

As a rule, the following are not eligible:

As a rule, reasons for exclusion apply to such projects and/or funding would not correspond to the statutory purpose of the DBU (see funding guidelines).

Project examples from this funding topic:


Apply for promotion!

In addition to project funding, the DBU also awards doctoral scholarships to promote young scientists and fellowships for university graduates from Central and Eastern Europe (CEE).


Felix Gruber
DBU: Umwelttechnik: Abteilungsleitung
+49 541 9633-200
Dr. Katrin Anneser
DBU: Umwelttechnik: Energie
+49 541 9633-242
Sabine Djahanschah
DBU: Umwelttechnik: Zukunftsfähiges Bauwesen
+49 541 9633-250
Franz-Peter Heidenreich
DBU: Umwelttechnik: Wasser, Boden, Infrastruktur
+49 541 9633-230
Dr.-Ing. Jörg R. Lefèvre
DBU: Umwelttechnik: Umwelt- und gesundheitsfreundliche Verfahren und Produkte
+49 541 9633-210
Dirk Schötz
DBU: Umwelttechnik: Energie
+49 541 9633-240
Melanie Vogelpohl
DBU: Umweltkommunikation und Kulturgüterschutz, Internationale Förderung: MINT-Bildung und Nachhaltigkeitsbewertung
+49 541 9633-410
Fabian Vorländer
DBU: Umwelttechnik: Green Start-up
+49 541 9633-220
Dr. Volker Wachendörfer
DBU: Umweltforschung: Naturschutz und Gewässerschutz
+49 541 9633-333