Stiftung Preußische Schlösser und Gärten Berlin-Brandenburg, Fotograf: Bach, Hans
Funding topic 10: Preservation and protection of nationally valuable cultural assets from harmful environmental influences
The brochure “Environment and Cultural Property Protection” presents the DBU’s funding theme with exemplary projects.
Note: Since 01.01.2024, the current funding theme 10 (Preserving and safeguarding nationally valuable cultural assets from harmful environmental influences) has continued the previous funding theme 12 of the same name.
Anthropogenic influences on the environment damage not only nature, but also nationally valuable cultural assets. The extent and nature of their injury has changed in recent years. These include changes in anthropogenic emissions as well as the effects of climate change and the handling of chemicals formerly brought in for protection. In the sense of sustainable protection of cultural assets, new strategies, methods, processes or products must be developed, applied as models and communicated.
Model projects in the funding topic usually pursue an interdisciplinary approach, especially with the participation of medium-sized companies and application-oriented research.
Eligible applicants include, but are not limited to:
Development and model application of new methods, procedures and products for the protection of nationally valuable cultural assets from the consequences of anthropogenic immissions;
Development of strategies and concepts for preventive conservation, protection and preservation as well as maintenance and care of nationally valuable cultural assets and historic cultural landscapes;
Development and testing of procedures, methods and products for dealing with damaging old restorations;
Further qualification offers in the field of sustainable protection of cultural assets and historic cultural landscapes;
innovative measures to resolve conflicts at the intersection of monument, nature, and cultural landscape protection, especially related to urban spaces and energy use demands;
Projects for the protection of cultural assets with a special focus on children and young people that focus on aspects of participation and volunteerism or corresponding innovative methods.