Funding topic 9: Nature conservation and water protection

Note: Since 01.01.2024, the current funding topic 9 (Nature conservation and water protection) combines the two previous funding topics 10 (Integrated concepts and measures for the protection and management of groundwater and surface waters) and 11 (Nature conservation and sustainable use of nature in agricultural landscapes and protected areas).

Water and biodiversity are an important basis for life on earth. Through diverse ecosystem services and functioning cycles, they provide clean air and water, fertile soil, crops and wood as well as natural recreation and quality of life.

The intensification and standardization of land and water use have led to an unabated loss of biodiversity. Substance inputs and changes to soil and water structures are worsening the quality of ecosystems and leading to the loss of valuable habitats in inland and coastal areas. Ongoing climatic changes, for example due to droughts and heavy rainfall events, are also having a negative impact.

Food security, energy and raw material supply, recreation, biodiversity and climate protection are often in competition with each other and place different demands on terrestrial habitats and water bodies. In order to overcome these complex conflicts of use and sustainably develop and protect habitats in compliance with planetary guard rails and in line with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), multifunctionality and interdependencies between individual sectors (nexus phenomena) must be recognized. These conflicting goals can be addressed in a solution-oriented manner with the help of targeted innovations in agriculture, forestry and water management. The aim here is to involve relevant stakeholders, pursue multi-benefit strategies and at the same time strengthen the resilience of ecosystems.

Projects are characterized by practical relevance and effectiveness after the end of the project. Inter- and transdisciplinary approaches with the participation of committed citizens (e.g. citizen science) and the use of digital tools can make significant contributions to solutions.

Eligible applicants include, but are not limited to:

Project examples from this funding topic:


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In addition to project funding, the DBU also awards doctoral scholarships to promote young scientists and fellowships for university graduates from Central and Eastern Europe (CEE).


Dr. Maximilian Hempel
DBU: Umweltforschung: Abteilungsleitung
+49 541 9633-300
Dr. Alexander Bittner
DBU: Umweltkommunikation und Kulturgüterschutz, Internationale Förderung: Formale Bildung und Zivilgesellschaft
+49 541 9633-430
Dr. Melanie Kröger
DBU: Umweltforschung: Zirkuläre Wirtschaft und Bioökonomie
+49 541 9633-320
Dr. Hans-Christian Schaefer
DBU: Umweltforschung: Promotionsstipendienprogramm
Zirkuläre Wirtschaft und Bioökonomie
+49 541 9633-350
Dr. Sina Volz
DBU: Umweltforschung: Naturschutz und Gewässerschutz
+49 541 9633-330
Dr. Volker Wachendörfer
DBU: Umweltforschung: Naturschutz und Gewässerschutz
+49 541 9633-333