Apply for funding

Apply for the Green Start-up funding

Please note the general information regarding our Green Start-up funding and read the FAQ before you apply with your start-up.

Tips for your application

Your application must be completed in full. Your answers to the questions asked in the online application form should contain relevant technical details and facts. The assessment is carried out by the responsible specialist unit and therefore by experts in the field. Submitted applications are evaluated on the basis of the following criteria: level of innovation, potential to reduce environmental impact, personal suitability and economic viability. The first selection stage and thus a possible in-depth interview is decided on the basis of the submitted application.

Who is supported?

  • The funding is aimed at start-ups in an early phase;
    the company must not be older than 5 years.
  • Applications can also be submitted for start-up projects or spin-offs.
  • The company must be founded by the start of the funding period at the latest, as the funding notification is addressed to the company.
  • Your start-up must be assigned to one of the DBU’s funding themes.

What documents are required?

  • The application contains questions that you should answer in detail in the text fields provided.
  • In addition, CVs and a cost plan are requested. In addition to your professional qualifications, the CVs should also convey a meaningful picture of your personality and must be summarized in one file; the cost plan can be downloaded as an Excel file in the online application form.
  • Please note that incomplete applications are grounds for rejection.

Please follow the steps below:

  • Please refrain from requesting a preliminary review of the content.
  • First submit a complete online application and wait for a response.
  • Convey a convincing picture of your project with regard to the fulfillment of the evaluation criteria.
  • Take your time to submit a meaningful application, as the first selection stage is decided on the basis of the application.
  • Applications can be submitted at any time and are processed by the specialist departments on an ongoing basis.

The application documents must be submitted in German.

Online application