Alumni DBU Doctoral Scholarship Program

Alumni Association since 1992

More than 1,000 former DBU doctoral fellows who are now working professionally in various fields, such as science, business or politics.
The goal is:

  • To strengthen and expand the professional networks of DBU alumni and DBU scholarship holders so that they can successfully plan, finance and implement their private and professional commitment to environmental protection;
  • make the DBU a central part of these networks, so that it can incorporate the perspective and expertise of grantees into its technical work and successfully fulfill its mission to promote projects in environmental protection.

The activities of are intended to facilitate, simplify and animate contact, exchange and communication among alumni, between former and current scholarship holders, between and the individual CEE country networks as well as the DBU itself, so that an international network of environmental experts is created.

Advisory Board

The Advisory Board, which represents the alumni network in the Doctoral Fellowship Program, includes 12 members (9 elected former DBU doctoral fellows and three appointed DBU staff members from the Doctoral Fellowship Program, 2 of whom are alumni representatives). The advisory board meets twice a year and exchanges information with the spokespersons of the respective doctoral scholarship years.

Example activities/measures:

  • Regular exchange with the DBU doctoral scholarship program and DBU management on current environmental trends in science and society;
  • Submitting proposals for candidates for the German Environmental Award;
  • Organization of regular professional colloquia;
  • Participation of individual members in events, such as scholarship and alumni meetings, graduation event, International Alumni Workshop;
  • Creating surveys and ideas to further develop alumni outreach;
  • Creation of information material on alumni work.

The Alumni Advisory Board can be contacted at

Joint activities

Current scholarship holders and alumni are invited once a year to the scholarship holders’ and alumni meetings in the run-up to the presentation of the German Environmental Award and the Week of the Environment, which takes place every four years. In addition, graduation events are held annually to honor alumni who have successfully completed their doctorate that year with a certificate. Furthermore, a summer academy on a selected topic is held annually.

Furthermore, it is possible for current doctoral fellows and alumni to organize a colloquium on a specific topic. For more information, see the guide below.

More information

Communication platform
From DBU scholarship to DBU project
Notes on the organization of a specialist colloquium

Contact person for the doctoral scholarship program

Dr. Hans-Christian Schaefer
DBU: Umweltforschung: Promotionsstipendienprogramm
Zirkuläre Wirtschaft und Bioökonomie
+49 541 9633-350