Jihomoravská agentura pro verejné inovace JINAG
erotínovo námestí
CZ-60200 Brno
The aim of the feasibility study is to prepare and assess a complex community energy concept in the new positive energy district Chytre Lichy and further enabling prosumers - our primary target group - citizens, public administration, SMEs, NGOs, municipal organisations and other actors including housing cooperatives across the whole City of Židlochovice to participate by joining the community energy network.
The design of the community energy system was consulted with our primary target group in order to understand their needs and expectations and enable their joining the community energy system.
The results will be presented to the secondary target group, which includes municipalities, investors, state organisations (such as the Energy Regulatory Authority, Ministry of Environment, etc.) and NGOs, as part of the promotion of the project and its outputs.
The feasibility study was developed by JINAG, the new innovation agency of the South Moravian Region. The concept was prepared for the specific place - City of Židlochovice including the Chytre Lichy district, and will serve as a case study and methodology for municipalities in the Czech Republic.
Content of the study
The feasibility study includes analysis and design it the following field, leading to develop optimal solution for community energy concept in the district Chytré Líchy, including recommendations for the expansion of community energy in Židlochovice:
- analysis of target group,
- analysis of energy management models (local distribution system, energy cooperative, microgrid ...) in the Chytre Lichy district,
- analysis and design of the administrative model of the community energy (cooperative, public/private company, ...),
- analysis and design of the technical solution needed to join the community energy network,
- design of the energy system of the new district Chytre Lichy.
During the project, 5 main working team meetings were held, either by all subcontractors involved or individually. In addition to the meetings organised by JINAG, individual meetings were also held between the individual contractors to agree on the documents to be prepared and handed over. There were also a number of partial consultations between JINAG and individual contractors.
During the project, a meeting was held on June 19, 2023 with representatives of the primary target group, i.e. entities that have the potential to participate in a community energy project. The secondary target group was involved through 2 events organized by JINAG: a round table and a moderated workshop. The target group was mayors, leaders of the South Moravian region and energy managers preparing civic energy projects.
In accordance with the project change approved by the DBU, we organised a study trip to Germany on 18-20 July 2023 to visit community energy projects and the city of Freiburg. The study trip was attended by 16 people.
In connection with the preparation of the feasibility study, negotiations with the Energy Regulatory Office were initiated to make the Chytre Lichy project a pilot project for testing new distribution tariffs prepared in connection with the change in the Energy Act.
The results of the feasibility study have also been used in the argumentation for commenting on changes to the Energy Act, primarily through the collaborating Unie komunitní energetiky (Community Energy Union).
In assessing the progress of our feasibility study for the Chytre Lichy positive energy district, we have largely met our objectives, despite some legislative hurdles. Our project's intent was to develop a comprehensive energy concept to facilitate the integration of prosumers into a community energy network in Židlochovice, including municipal organizations, SMEs and NGOs.
The study has resulted in an analysis covering the target group's needs, energy management models, administrative frameworks, and technical solutions necessary for the community energy network's operation. In line with our work plan and timeline, we engaged EkoWATT CZ for energy solutions, Frank Bold for regulatory expertise, and PMAC to manage energy flows, each delivering valuable sub-studies.
However, the pending amendment to the Energy Act has introduced uncertainty, particularly regarding electricity sharing within energy communities. This legislative limbo prevents a definitive assessment of this aspect in our study, yet we remain adaptive and responsive to the evolving regulatory landscape.
We also redefined our approach to stakeholder engagement. Instead of consultations, we hosted events for secondary target groups, including a round table and a workshop, yielding crucial insights and showcasing the project's progress. Moreover, the organized study trip to Germany enriched our understanding of community energy projects.
From an environmental standpoint, the project promises substantial benefits. By designing a system that emphasizes renewable energy sources and collective energy storage solutions, we anticipate a reduction in carbon footprint and enhanced energy self-sufficiency for the Chytre Lichy district. These environmental benefits are quantifiable in the reduced emissions and align with exceeding the legal requirements for energy efficiency and sustainable development.
The project budget was adhered to, and in accordance with the approved amendment, a portion of the costs allocated for translation services was utilized to facilitate the study trip to Germany.
In conclusion, while we have faced some legislative setbacks, our goals have been substantially met within the original cost calculations. Our community-focused energy concept has the potential to exceed current environmental standards significantly and, once the legislative framework is settled, will offer a compelling economic and ecological case for community energy networks in the Czech Republic and beyond.
Communication with the primary target audience was primarily conducted at a Cup of Tea with the Mayor on 19 June 2023. The meeting was set up at the end of the project to present the intentions and opportunities for citizen involvement in the planned community energy project.
The concept for the feasibility study was presented at a meeting of the Union's Community Energy Projects Working Group on 19 June 2023, attended by around 25 UKEN members - mainly community representatives and energy managers and consultants.
Due to the short duration of the project, the next communication is planned for autumn 2023 and then, also in connection with the legislative process in relation to the Energy Act.
A meeting with representatives of the City of Židlochovice, the preparers of partial parts of the feasibility study and other entities from the City of Židlochovice is being prepared for 1 November 2023 in Židlochovice. We are also preparing a presentation of the project outputs to the members of the Parliament of the Czech Republic.
The project achieved its planned output - a feasibility study assessing the energy concept in the new positive energy district Chytre Lichy.
The feasibility study includes analysis of the target group, analysis of energy management models, analysis and design of the administrative model of the community energy, analysis and design of the technical solution needed to join the community energy network and design of the energy system of the new district Chytre Lichy.
In connection with the preparation of the feasibility study, negotiations with the Energy Regulatory Authority were initiated to make the Chytre Lichy project a pilot project for testing new distribution tariffs prepared in connection with the change in the Energy Act.
Unfortunately, the feasibility study was affected by the still unapproved amendment to the Energy Act, which is supposed to set the conditions for electricity sharing within energy communities. Due to the uncertainty resulting from the lack of legislation, it is not possible to assess the option of sharing the electricity produced within the energy community in the feasibility study with definitive validity.
In contrast to the original plan to involve the secondary target group through consultation during the feasibility study, we have organised 2 events for the secondary target group and a study trip to Germany for community energy projects and to the city of Freiburg.