Projekt 34614/01

Nature conservation along the Balkan Green Belt: Analyzing threats, developing solutions and building capacities in the Sharr/ar Planina/Korab-Koritnik region


Stiftung Europäisches Naturerbe (EuroNatur)
Westendstr. 3
78315 Radolfzell

Zielsetzung und Anlass des Vorhabens

The vision of the project is to prepare the basis for a sound and long term conservation of the outstanding mountainous landscape of Shar Planina/Korab-Koritnik in line with a sustainable regional development whereby the local population acts as main driver in both regards.
The overall goal of the project is to contribute to the reduction of threats to biodiversity in the region by identifying and developing suitable countermeasures and to bring this knowledge to suitable local actors.
The project has the following objectives:
- To conduct a situation analysis about threats to biodiversity as well as actors of the area
- To identify suitable measures to reduce threats to biodiversity and support a sustainable regional development in the area;
- To identify up to 5 local actors/organisations per country as those who will (in a next step) implement measures for nature conservation and regional development;
- To train the identified local actors/organisations by increasing knowledge and capacity
- Approximately 10 to 15 proposals for projects will be developed.



39.970,00 €


01.01.2019 - 31.01.2020




Land use
Nature Conservation
Environmental communication