Stable of the future – animal-friendly and environmentally friendly

Development of a fattening pig house that takes into account the health and well-being of the animals and also contributes to environmental and climate protection by avoiding liquid manure

New animal husbandry concepts are one way of reducing the input of nitrogen compounds into the environment. The funded concept development for a “barn of the future” – a manure-free barn – envisages a novel, economically competitive housing system combined with an alternative treatment system for farm manure. Increased animal welfare and reduced emissions of nitrogen compounds are thus combined.

For pig husbandry, this means that the animals have a structured pen with a resting area, feeding and activity zone, manure area and, if necessary, an exercise area. The barn should be air-conditioned in the different zones as required, but also allow contact with environmental stimuli such as sun, wind and different outside temperatures. Feeding adapted to the needs of the animals and the improved design of the environment with suitable activity material (e.g. bedding) are naturally part of this.

The new concept is based on the separation of manure and urine in the barn to prevent the formation of slurry, manure and liquid manure. Through this and the use of various treatment steps for manure and urine, ammonia emissions are to be reduced by 70 percent compared to housing on the slatted floors usually used in air-conditioned housing systems. The extensive prevention of digestion processes should reduce methane emissions by 90 percent and odor emissions by 50 to 70 percent.

Helmut Georg Döhler: “The manure-free barn makes it possible for the first time to resolve the conflict between animal welfare and animal-friendly pig farming on the one hand and environmental protection on the other: because here we drastically reduce ammonia emissions, offer the animals species-appropriate housing and ensure animal health at the same time. In addition, the concept provides for the separate processing of excrement into high-quality nitrogen fertilizer to close the cycle.”

Project topic

Stable of the future

Project implementation

DöhlerAgrar Unternehmensberatung
Schlossweg 7
96190 Untermerzbach
Phone: 09533 921101

DBU-AZ: 91017/12

Funding period: April 2017 – April 2022

Status: 22.10.2024