Osnabrück. The Forum for Environmental Dialogue celebrated its premiere in the
(Germ. abbr.: ZUK) of the (DBU) in Osnabrueck. More than 100 top-class specialists from policy, research and industry focused on the topic of strategies and technologies for a sustainable energy supply. Amongst the guests was Jun Arima, the delegate of the Japanese Ministry of Economy. He was welcomed by Matthias Machnig, State Secretary of the Federal Ministry for the Environment and Vice-chairman of the Board of Advisors of the DBU, and Secretary General of the DBU Dr.-Ing. E. h. Fritz Brickwedde.
Subsequent to the start in Osnabrueck the Forum for Environmental Dialogue shall be organized in a two annual rhythm in Japan and Germany. Moreover it is supposed to be established as a regular platform for the cooperation of both countries in questions of technological solutions of global environmental problems. The German-Japanese Forum for Environmental Dialogue is promoted by the DBU and organized by ECOS Japan Consult.
Cooperation for a sustainable energy supply (from left): Secretary General of the DBU, Dr.-Ing. E. h. Fritz Brickwedde, Jun Arima, the delegate of the japanese Ministry of Economy, Vice-Chairman of the Board of Advisors of the DBU and State Secretary of the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Matthias Machnig, and the Executive Director of the New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO), Kazuaki Koizawa.