DBU-Symposium 2024

26.10.2024 in Mainz

How do we finance the transformation?
On the way to a climate-neutral economy and society

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Please note that this is a closed event. Non-invited guests are welcome to follow the event online via the livestream link below.

Studies put the cost of Germany’s climate neutrality at around 5 trillion euros (in figures:, 2 trillion of which are additional costs over and above the pure replacement costs that would be incurred anyway. Additional costs of 10 trillion euros are reported for Europe. And without the inclusion of emerging and developing countries with their rapidly growing energy needs, we will lose the race against climate change. A significant proportion of the funds must be invested in public infrastructure such as line networks, storage facilities or charging stations.

Public budgets will not be able to raise this vast sum, not in Germany and certainly not in emerging countries. But the banking system also reaches its limits with these sums. How can we raise the necessary funds? What needs to be done to mobilize private capital? We want to discuss these and other questions and possible solutions with experts from the financial sector.


14.00 Welcome and introduction

Alexander Bonde, Secretary General of the German Federal Environmental Foundation

14.10 Impulse

Prof. Dr. Christian Klein, University of Kassel, Science Platform Sustainable Finance

14.45 Discussion

Silke Stremlau, Chairwoman of the Sustainable Finance Advisory Board of the Federal Government

Dr. Ndidi Nnoli-Edozien, Board Member, International Sustainability Standard, IFRS Foundation

Dr. Jörg Krämer, Chief Economist, Commerzbank AG, Frankfurt

Michael Dittrich, Head of Finance and Administration, Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt

Moderation: Sissi Hajtmanek, business journalist

You can attend the symposium on October 26, 2024, from 2:00 pm here in the livestream.

Use our hashtag: #uwp24

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