
Target criteria

The German Environmental Award honors commitment and achievements that contribute decisively and in an exemplary manner to the protection and preservation of our environment, now and in the future. Nominees are subject to review criteria based on the DBU’s funding criteria. The following criteria characterize the guiding idea of the award:

  • The award-winning performance should primarily serve as a role model for other individuals, companies and organizations.
  • The achievement to be awarded should help to identify environmental problems in good time and to mitigate them with the help of appropriate precautionary and implementation strategies.
  • The merits should be so convincing that an imitation effect is achieved. Accordingly, the focus should be on the model character and practical feasibility.
  • Innovative, networked holistic solution approaches are given special consideration. In this context, cooperative services with an interdisciplinary character are given priority.

Endowment and target groups

The award, which is endowed with 500,000 euros, is aimed at individuals whose innovative products and technical process improvements, successful research results or life achievements are in the spirit of sustainable environmental protection.

The prize is awarded annually and can be divided between several prize winners.

Nomination procedure

Candidates for the German Environmental Award are proposed to the Environmental Foundation by the institutions and persons entitled to propose them to the DBU. Those entitled to make nominations are responsible persons from employers’ and industry associations, research institutions and scientific bodies, trade unions and municipal umbrella organizations, faith communities, environmental protection associations and the media. Individuals who have been awarded the German Environmental Award and members of the Board of Trustees may also submit nominations for the German Environmental Award.